Benefits of Membership
MSAE's membership is composed of individuals employed in the profession of association management or allied with the management profession as suppliers of goods and/or services.
Here some of the benefits of membership:
MSAE has three 3 classes of membership:
Regular Members (primarily associations and their designated representatives) – entitled to one vote per member
Affiliate Members (businesses and/or people who have interests in the association industry) – no voting rights
Hospitality Members (hotel management personnel, suppliers and service representatives) – no voting rights
Membership fees are $150 per person for the first member from an organization/business. Additional members from the same organization/business can join for only $100.
Monthly Learning Programs — MSAE hosts monthly (except Summer months) programs for its members, featuring knowledgeable speakers on key issues for associations (communications, advocacy, finances, and more);
Networking — The association offers plenty of opportunities to visit with your peers in association management, along with the folks who provide the services we need, like hospitality, insurance, and the list goes on.
Advocacy — While the concerns of our members don’t always overlap, there are many common issues. In those cases, MSAE stands ready to serve as a voice for its members, whether it’s in the halls of the Montana Capitol, or in Washington, D.C.
Education —
CAE Exam Prep: MSAE boasts several members who have earned their Certified Association Executive credentials — what better way to bring true value to your boards and members than by achieving this level of knowledge? Study with the professionals who know through our CAE exam prep groups.
MSAE lending library — The MSAE library contains association management-related materials on subjects ranging from conflict resolution to generating non-dues revenue. Check it out!
Directories for contact information – like the Lobbying Directory and Membership Directory, both available online.